Save Record Then Continue to Next Form Access

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First, What is the Recordsource of your form? Do you have the navigation bar at the bottom of the form? If so you can just press the New Record button (the one with a yellow asterisk). This will save the current record and open a new blank record on the form.

Note, that Access always works with live data. So there is no need to specifically Save a record. As soon as that record loses focus, but switching to a new record or a new form, the record is committed.

Hope this helps,
Microsoft Access MVP since 2007

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Hi Scott,

Thanks for the response. Right now I created everything on a blank form without any source for the form. Only the drop down inside the form are connect to tables for fetching the values to drop down.

And the form navigation bar is greyed out other than previous and next navigation bars. Which I think are of no use unless and until I can save them.


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There are two types of forms; bound and unbound. With bound forms. Access handles all the input/output between the tables and the forms. With unbound forms (which is what you have) the developer needs to use VBA code to do all the I/O. Since you are new to Access I would recommend you use bound forms, at least until you are more comfortable with coding using VBA.

This means selecting a table as the Recordsource of your form. and assigning the fields in the table as Controlsources for the controls. In fact, I would recommend you first create all your forms, using the Form Wizard. Let the wizards do the heavy lifting for you. Then you can customize as needed.

Hope this helps,
Microsoft Access MVP since 2007

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Thanks Scott. But there are too many forms that I will have to create. I think doing it through bound forms seems to be a lot of work as I will have to readjust everything in the design view again on each and every form I created.

Please give me a good vba code just for having the navigation bar working and have its functionalists working.


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You may be making a fairly common mistake: trying to store data in Forms.

Data is stored in Tables, and ONLY IN TABLES. A Form is not a data repository; it's just a tool, a window that lets you manage data stored in a Table. Bound forms are universal and routine, and Access provides good tools to build them.

Using unbound forms and writing elaborate code to move data to and from tables is certainly possible, and once in a great while may be necessary, but it is certainly "the hard way to do it"! Professional databases usually have LOTS of forms.

Could you explain why you feel that you would need too many forms? What differs between them?

John W. Vinson/MVP

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I'm with John. Unbound forms IS the hard way. For each unbound form, you have write the code to handle the I/O. There is no generic code to do it. Its different for each form, since the controls and data on the forms are different.

I also question why you think you will need a lot of forms? How many tables do you have? Or have you made a typical newbie mistake and started designing your forms before you designed your tables?

Hope this helps,
Microsoft Access MVP since 2007

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Thank you John and Scott. We have 6 branch offices and one Head Quarters. So what I thought on implementing was have a Menu on the front page and have all the Offices listed and then by selecting each office we should have the information of all the inventory.

Now that you both insisting me on working with Bound forms rather than unbound forms. I will start working on the bound approach. My only concern is making 7 tables with all the contents and then converting each table into forms and arranging each field inside the form is just very time consuming.

Also please suggest me a simple method of working on the tables and forms.

Thanks again for all your help.


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I'm not sure I follow. Are these offices at different geographic locations, or more to the point, connected only by Wide Area Network (WAN) - Internet - connections? Or are they just different rooms in a building connected by a fast, stable LAN? Access is best suited to a LAN: it really isn't designed to work over a (much slower and less reliable) Internet connection.

How do these seven tables differ? Do they contain different KINDS of data - different number of fields, different datatypes? Or are they all of the same "shape", just reflecting different departments' data? In other words, do you really need seven different forms, all of which (if I understand) are doing the same job just with different sets of inventory data? Maybe you just need ONE form, and you can change the Recordsource to point to different tables.

John W. Vinson/MVP

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First, let me point out something. You started with the statement that you are "very new to Access".  By extension and the nature of the questions you have asked, you are also new to database design. So you come here to get assistance from people who are experienced with both Access and database design. Yet instead of asking us HOW to do what you need to do, you are telling us what you think you should do, even despite our advice to the contrary.

So the next mistake you make is in thinking you need separate tables for each of your offices and by extension separate forms. But the reality is that you probably don't. But before we can advise what the best design is we need more information about your situation.

John asks you several questions that we need answers to. In addition it would be helpful to know just what you are tracking in terms of inventory.  Are you just tracking supplies that are provided to each office? Or are you tracking sales/purchases of product? What is the nature of the items you carry in inventory? What type of info do you need to capture about these items?

Proper database design is an art. And properly designing your database will pay dividends down the road in efficiency and ease of use. If you were expecting to just launch Access build a form and you would be done, then you were laboring under a misconception.

Hope this helps,
Microsoft Access MVP since 2007

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I will be using the database to store PC Inventory information which will include Software Information, Serial number, Product Number, Vendor, Date of Purchase and many more.

John I will be the only one who is gonna manage all the information from different offices at our HQ.

I think I understood what I should do in terms of creating Tables and designing forms.

Scott, I am trying to make a good access DB for which I need so cool tips and tricks that might not make sense now but will in the near future. If you need more information please let me know.

Thank You.

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